29 July 2010

Top 10 Tips for Fussy Easters

1. Only buy the foods that you want your baby or child to eat.

2. Avoid empty calorie snacks like chips or soft drinks and keep a supply of healthy snacks on supply of healthy snacks on hand. Keep a ready supply of fresh fruit, vegetable sticks, cheese or other healthy foods in the fridge. When they're hungry, children won't wait.

3. Too much food on a plate can be off putting. Keep portions small and offer more if your child asks for it.

4. Introduce your child to fresh baby food rather than processed baby food. If they are used to a variety of fresh flavours in purees they are much less likely to reject these foods when introduced as solids.

5. Small children love to exert their independence. Let your child choose two out of three fruits or vegetables on offer. They'll be more inclined to eat sometimes they've chosen themselves.

6. Don't bribe or punish a child who refuses to eat.

7. Set a good example by eating with your child as often as possible. When your child sees everyone sitting at the table eating he'll follow your lead.

8. If your child isn't keen on veggies, 'hide' them in sauces and soup. What they can't see they can't pick out.

9. Keep offering foods that have been refusing previously - sometimes children need to be exposed to a new food several times before they'll accept it.

10. TRY to relax. Some parents worry so much about their child's diet that they turn small food issues into big ones. Children are easily put off their food by tension - or worse - learn to like the attention that food refusal brings.

Source : Coles Babyclub Magazine, Winter 2010

Chickpea Casserole

Serves: 6
Preparation time : 30 mins, plus 1 hour cooking
Suitable from 9 months

420g canned chickpeas, drained
250g lamb, cut into small cubes
1 brown onion, peeled and thinly sliced
300g washed baby potatoes, cut in half
1 large carrot
1/4 cauliflower, chopped
400ml salt reduced vegetable stock
tin foil
1 tbsp olive oil

Prehead the oven to 190'C. Add olive oil to a large stockpot and when it is hot, add onion and brown.

Add the lamb and brown all over. Add the rest of the ingredient including the stock, adding just enough liquid to cover the meat.

Cover the casserole with a sheet of tin foil to make it airgtight, place the lid on tightlly and put into the oven for 1 hour or until lamb is tender. Serve with cous cous.

For babies 6-12 months:
Take 1/2 cup of the casserole and puree with mashed cooked vegies.

For toddlers (14 months+)
Serve with toast soilders or a little mashed potato or cous cous.

Cool casseerole and then freeze in portions in a covered plastic container for up to 3 months

Source : Coles Babyclub magazine, winter 2010

Veggie Bake

Servces :6
Preparation time : 30 mins
Suitable from 12 months

450g canned tuna, drained (about 1 large can)
500g penne pasta
450g diced canned tomatoes
1 carrot, peeled and diced
1 sweet potato, peeled and diced
1/2 broccoli head, washed and cut into small pieces
1/2 cauliflower head, washed and cut into small pieces
200g mozzarella cheese, grated
100g tasty cheese, grated

Prehead the oven to 180'C. Add pasta to a large pot of boiling salted water. Cook pasta until tender and drain. Transfer to a large bowl.

Stir 1 teaspoon of olive oil through the pasta to stop it sticking together. Steam the carrot and sweet potato.

Add all the ingredients, except the tasty cheese, to the bowl of pasta and combine well. Transfer to a baking dish and sprinkle with tasty cheese.

Bake for 30 minutes.

Puree or mash some tuna, cooked veggies, a few pieces of cooked pasta and some cottage cheese together.

Source : Coles Baby Club Magazine, Winter 2010

30 September 2009

Toilet Training

It ranks alongside that first mouthful of solid food or the first tentative step. The move out of nappies is something most parents eagerly await. But advice from the experts is that it's better not to rush the process.

Professor Frank Oberklaid, from the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne, and co-author of Your Child's Health says for toilet training to occur, there has to be willingness and readiness from both parent and child. And he says no matter how long the process, parents have to remain positive and full of praise while being patient when accidents do occur. He says that the less pressure toddlers feel about toilet training the better.

So just what are the signs and steps to take when moving your youngster from nappies to underwear?

The 'ready' signs may range from your child insisting on being changed as soon as his nappy is dirty, to taking more interest in the toilet habits of the family. Remember, there is no hurry and most children will be nor be ready to try until they are at least 18 months to two years of age.

To start, let your child sit on a potty or a toilet with a child seat when he is clothed to get used to how it feels. Later you can suggest he sits on it without a nappy.

Keep your expectations low and let him lead the way. The more a child is pressured the more likely he is to refuse.

Always be encouraging. Any time he does manage to use a potty or toilet he must be praised and told how well he is doing.

After one or two successful trips to the toilet do not assume your toddler is fully toilet trained. He may do well initially, then refuse to use it. The process is likely to take three to six months with many backward steps.

However, do remember that most children will be toilet trained throughout the day by the time they are aged by three to four years and through the night by the time they start school. If your child is older than this, or you feel he is not coping with toilet training seek advice from your local GP or paediatrician.

Keep a sense of humour, not only when it comes to toilet training but parenting in general.

Toilet training is very individual for each child so let him set his own pace.

Praise and encouragement are the best strategy to get results.

Toilet training is your child's accomplishment not yours, so share in his pride but recognise it is his own achievement.

Source : Coles Baby Club Magazine Spring 2009

Stone Fruit Swirl

Serves : 1
Ready : 10 mins

Ingredients :
1 ripe mango
2 ripe apricots
1 ripe peach
2 tbsp yoghurt

Using a small serrated knife, peel the skinoff each piece of fruit, then cut around the stone.

Place the flesh of the fruits into a blender on high speed until combined. Pour the mix into a bowl and add the yoghurt.

Other seasonal fruits great with yoghurt: nectarine, lychee, passionfruit, tamarillo, guava, papaya, plums, and cherries.

Source : Coles Baby Club Magazine Spring 2009

Breakfast Puddings

Serves : 4
Prep : 5 mins

Ingredients :
2 cups thick Greek yoghurt
3 tbsp honey
finely grated zest of one orange
1/2 rockmelon, peeled, deseeded, cut into 1cm cubes
1 punnet strawberries, quartered
1 orange, juiced
1/4 cup almond, chopped (optional)
1/4 cup shredded coconut, toasted

In a small bowl combine the yoghurt, honey and orange zest.

In another bowl combine the melon, strawberries and orange juice.

Spoon half the fruit into four glasses. Sprinkle half the almonds and coconut over the fruit, top with half the yoghurt. Layer each glass with the fruit and yoghurt. Finish with coconut and almonds.

Source : Coles Baby Club Magazine Spring 2009

Poached Pears On Oven-Roasted Muesli

Serves : 4
Prep : 10 mins
Cook : 15-20 mins

2 pears, peeled, halved and cored
1 stick cinnamon
12 x 4cm piece lemon peel
120g ricotta
1 tsp finely grated lemon zest
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 cup oven roasted muesli
2 tbsp honey
1 punnet blueberries

Put the pears into a medium saucepan, add the cinnamon stick and lemon peel, cover with water simmer for 15-20 minutes until just soft.

In a small bowl mix together the ricotta, lemon zest and cinnamon.

Remove the pears from their cooking liquid, placing each half in a bowl. Top with the muesli, a dollop of ricotta and a drizzle of honey. Scatter over the blueberries and serve.

Source : Coles Baby Club Magazine Spring 2009

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